Additional Tuning

Now we have most of our work done. We are going to look into a few minor additional things we can do to modify our downloader behaviour.

Connection Timeout

We can change the connection timeout settings by giving the timeout argument to Downloader.__init__(). The default value is 10 seconds. That is relatively small. Let’s make it 1 minute:

dl = bitpit.Downloader(
        path=pathlib.Path.home() / 'Desktop' / 'logo.png',

Chunk Size

We can also supply the download chunk_size to Downloader.__init__(). The chunk size is the maximum number of bytes to download in a single network read operation. You do not really need to change this at all but just in case you want to change it. Having very low or very high values may slightly affect download speed. There is no hard rule to figure out the best other than trying. In my computer, the default value worked best. The default value is 4 KB. For practice, let’s change it to 1 KB:

dl = bitpit.Downloader(
        path=pathlib.Path.home() / 'Desktop' / 'logo.png',

The chunk_size cannot be greater than rate_limit. If it is greater, bitpit will force it to be equal to rate_limit.

Here is our program so far:

import bitpit
import pathlib

def on_size_changed(downloader):
    print('The file size is', downloader.size)

def on_speed_changed(downloader):
    print('The speed is', *downloader.human_speed)

def on_state_changed(downloader, old_state):
    print('The state changed to:', downloader.state)

#will download this
url = ''

#this is our downloader
dl = bitpit.Downloader(
        path=pathlib.Path.home() / 'Desktop' / 'logo.png',

#listen to signals
#print size as soon as it is known
dl.listen('size-changed', on_size_changed)

#print speed periodically
dl.listen('speed-changed', on_speed_changed)

#print state
dl.listen('state-changed', on_state_changed)

#start downloading and tell user download has started.
print('Download has started.')

#end of the main thread

Now we have only one thing left to do. If you have noticed, our output is ugly.

In Elegant Output we are going to make it pretty. We will also introduce some useful things in bitpit.